The Venue for this in-person event will be the Skyview Room of the Fluno Center, 601 University Ave.
Reception with appetizers and cash bar 5:30 - 6:00, presentation with Q&A 6:00 - 7:30.
Be sure to register on time!
Former US Ambassador to Botswana Michelle Gavin will present: "Africa in Transition: Implications of Recent Elections and Coups"
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Each guest may attend one program per season.
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Cancelation and refund policy:
If you have questions about registering, please see our "Registration Tips For Members" or contact us at
Contact us at:
Address: MCFR PO Box 803 Madison, WI 53701
We would like to give special thanks to our Institutional Member, the UW International Division.
© Madison Committee on Foreign Relations
MCFR is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation formed in 2003.