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Madison Committee
on Foreign Relations

Exploring the Impact of Recent Changes in US Immigration Law & Policy on Migration Dynamics in Latin America

  • Wednesday, March 19, 2025
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Northwoods Rm (3rd floor), Union South (UW Campus), 1308 W. Dayton St, Madison WI


  • For Individual MCFR members. Registration fee includes includes venue fees, appetizers, taxes, and tip.
  • For members of the UW International Division. Registration fee includes includes venue fees, appetizers, taxes, and tip.
  • For members of the public. Registration fee includes includes venue fees, appetizers, taxes, and tip.

Last day to Register for this in-person event:  Wednesday, March 12.

This event is being presented in collaboration with MITA (Madison International Trade Association).

The Venue for this in-person event will be in the Northwoods Rm (3rd floor) at Union South on the UW Campus.  Parking is available in Lot 80 beneath Union South (enter from W. Dayton St.) and Lot 20 at 1390 University Ave.

Reception with appetizers and cash bar 5:30 - 6:00, presentation with Q&A 6:00 - 7:30.

Be sure to register on time!

Dr. Sara McKinnon will present:  "Exploring the Impact of Recent Changes in US Immigration Law & Policy on Migration Dynamics in Latin America"

Dr. McKinnon is a Professor of Rhetoric, Politics & Culture in the Department of Communication Arts, and Faculty Director of Latin American, Caribbean & Iberian Studies.  She co-chairs UW-Madison’s Human Rights Program and has affiliations in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies and Chican & Latin Studies. Her current research examines foreign policy rhetoric in an era of globalization, considering as case studies collaborations between the United States, Mexico, and Central American countries since the 1980s to address regional issues such as drug trafficking, corruption, and migration. She is also working on a collaborative project to expand the legal information about US immigration and refugee programs and legal counsel available to migrants throughout Latin America as they consider safe options for movement and resettlement.  For more information about this project:

Dr. McKinnon has published three books. Gendered Asylum: Race and Violence in U.S. Law and Politics (University of Illinois Press, 2016), examines the gender discourse that has emerged in U.S. immigration and refugee law between the 1980 Refugee Act and 2014. In this project she analyzed a range of gender and sexuality-related political asylum cases against public discourse concerning globalization, women’s rights as human rights, displacement, migration, and sexual violence. The book identifies what gender means in U.S. asylum law and it examines the ways gender and gendered subjects as political serve U.S. national and international interests. Text + Field: Innovations in Rhetorical Method (Penn State University Press, 2016) is a co-edited collection that considers a range of approaches for using ethnographic and field-based methods in doing rhetorical research, and she has a forthcoming co-edited collection, Foreign Policy Rhetorics in the Global Era: Concepts and Case Studies with Michigan State University Press.

  • Payment must be received before the registration deadline. Neither registrations nor payments will be accepted after the registration deadline.
  • All registrations and payments for events must be made online with a credit card. We will not be able to accept checks as payment for event registrations.
  • Registrations are confirmed only if payment is received before the registration deadline.
  • Only those with confirmed registrations will be admitted to a program.

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  • You may invite as many guests as you like.

  • Each guest may attend one program per season.

  • To use the online system to register guests, you must register them when you register yourself. Otherwise contact us at: to have your guests registered.

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  • All cancellations must be in writing to
  • Cancellations received before registration closes will be fully refunded.
  • We will not be able to refund registration fees for cancellations received after registration closes.

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PO Box 803
Madison, WI 53701

We would like to give special thanks to our Institutional Member, the UW International Division.

© Madison Committee on Foreign Relations

MCFR is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation formed in 2003.

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